A.C.M.E. (Advanced Composites Manufacturing and Engineering) is ERFSEDS' composite manufacturing support and research project. A.C.M.E. provides manufacturing support for all of ERFSEDS' other rocketry projects, assisting in providing, finishing, and assembling airframes. A.C.M.E.'s goal is to establish the infrastructure and knowledge base needed to manufacture all parts in-house instead of using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) parts.
A.C.M.E. is proud to have worked with materials provided to us from TCR Composites and Bally Ribbon Mills.
Project A.C.M.E. has worked extensively with Project Artemis since Artemis Mk IV on manufacturing and developing their 2-stage competition rocket. Artemis boasts the usage of carbon fiber tubes wound in-house on the X-Winder, our own filament winder. A.C.M.E. has also provided hardware and manufacturing support for other ERFSEDS projects such as Zephyr and Prometheus.
"When your only tool is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail"