Avionics, Electronics, and so much more.
Project Cerberus is a division within ERFSEDS with multiple teams specializing in aerospace-applied electronic systems. From system integration, to electronic design, and even software development, Project Cerberus sees it all!
No experience is needed and all are welcome!
When rockets go up, a lot of things need to happen. Our avionics team is responsible for designing, integrating, and maintaining avionics systems that handle stage separations, parachute deployments, and flight status monitoring.
As rockets fly, they endure many different types of environments. Whether its atmospheric & structural stresses, or new types of aerospace experimentation, our payload team develops data acquisition systems for these systems that fly on our rockets.
Rockets need brains… and brains can get expensive. Our flight computer development team, NOVA, is currently developing a custom, in-house ERFSEDS flight computer utilizing software, hardware, and computer engineering disciplines.
Zephyr MK1 Launch Attempt 1 April 16, 2022

![thumbnail_Cerberus Logo2[5382].png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ff252bd66132f51dedd74b3/1609778110600-GSY0Z0LT7OT90IUXMGC3/thumbnail_Cerberus+Logo2%5B5382%5D.png)