Mixing one motor at a time.
For rockets to fly, rockets need fuel. Prometheus focuses on designing and manufacturing experimental solid rocket motors. Prometheus currently manufactures and tests ammonium perchlorate composite propellant (APCP). Students who have joined this team not only gain experience designing and mixing APCP motors, but also gain first hand experience with data acquisition systems (DAQ) during test firings.
The team revamped all standard operating procedures in the Fall of 2021, along with mixing a small motor following the updated instructions.
Currently the team is fine-tuning the motor testing process to make future motors easier to test. Additionally, the team is working on a new DAQ system for test fires. In the future, Prometheus looks to return as the supplier of motors for the club’s competition rockets.
Prometheus members gain experience working with chemicals in a laboratory setting, writing, reviewing, and following standard operating procedures, performing quality control analysis on manufactured motors, and analyzing data.